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interested in working with me?

below is a breakdown of what generally happens in each session:

☼ For a distance Reiki session, an email consultation will happen around 24 hours before your appointment where we can discuss what you would like me to focus on and any other questions you have. At the appointment time, you will relax and receive the healing! 

☼ For a Reiki with Intuitive guidance session, the same email consultation will happen 24 hours before your session but this is where you can also send me questions you have for your guides, higher self, etc.! At appointment time, relax and receive the healing. After the session I will email an audio file of the messages I have received for you, up to 24 hours after the session.

☼ For an Intuitive Reading, an email consultation will happen around 24 hours before your appointment where we can discuss what you would like guidance with and any other questions you have. After the session I will email an audio file of the messages I have received for you, up to 24 hours after the session.

☼ If you've read all this and are still not sure if you resonate with my work, please feel free to set up a 10-15 minute phone consultation with me for free, or send me an email (linked in the envelope icon below!) ♡