YUP. I’m psychic!!!

well, truthfully, everyone is.

But I’ve fine tuned my skills to recieve messages through feeling, hearing and seeing— by tapping into your energy—

to pass along that information to you !

I never knew my super sensitivity would become my superpower, but it’s pretty amazing the messages that come through!

I started getting clear messages shortly after I started practicing Reiki, and ever since, it’s been one of my favorite ways to channel healing— sometimes I’ll get a “hello” from an ancestor, or sometimes I will see a past life that needs acknowledging… it all depends on what your energy needs at the moment of the reading.

How it works:

You’ll give me a few questions, or just the overall “what do I need to know right now” question. Then I will tap into your energy at the time of the appointment by getting into a meditative state while channeling your guides and higher self. All while asking your questions and leaving space for other messages to come through. Then finally I will take time to sit with the messages, “translate” them and record a voice memo to send to you with all that came through!

It is such a transformative experience!

got a question about getting

a reading done?

SEND AWAY! I’m here for you!