* start at the karate chop point, then move to the top of the head, then the rest of the points *
Even though I want to be successful as a business owner,
I fear losing freedom and personal time…
But even though I have fear around this,
I deeply and completely love, accept and forgive myself.
(top of the head)
I really want to have a successful business…
But my fear is that it might consume ALL my time
What if I lose the freedom to do what I want, whenever I want?
This fear of losing personal time.
What if my business takes off, and it leaves me with no down time?
What if I start resenting my business because I’m burned out?
All these fears…
They have definitely been holding me back.
I need to acknowledge this fear…
That I've been torn between success and freedom.
That I feel like I have to choose between the two!
But what if I didn’t have to choose?
What if I could find a healthy balance?
Success doesn't have to mean sacrificing my freedom.
There are plenty of people that have successful businesses that have freedom, too.
I choose to believe in the possibility of balance.
I can make my business however I want to —
And I get to define what success means to me!
Success can coexist with personal time,
If I choose to make that a priority
So I am choosing to release the fear of losing my freedom
Because I am in control of my choices…
And I choose to find a healthy balance of free time and work
I get to choose BOTH success and freedom!
I can define my own version of success
And that means success in business and plenty of time for myself
Because I am capable of managing my time effectively,
And success allows me to have even MORE choices
So when I do have a successful business,
Hiring help will be NO problem at all!
So I can enjoy both success and personal time
I choose to release the thought that success means less freedom
I release it on a cellular level
So that I can experience success and freedom together.
I am in control of my life and choices.
I choose to define my own version of success as a business owner.
I know in my bones that success and personal time can coexist in my life.
If it’s possible for SOMEONE,
It is possible for ME!
I embrace the reality of finding balance and peace between my business goals and personal life.
And I am going to DO IT!
And it’s going to be AMAZING!
And so it is!