* start at the karate chop point, then move to the top of the head, then the rest of the points *

Even though I sometimes struggle with accepting my aging body, I deeply and completely love, honor and accept myself.

Even though I sometimes struggle with taking good care of my body, I deeply and completely, love, accept and forgive myself

(top of the head)

I sometimes struggle to accept my aging body.

It can be hard to see the changes…

and just the fact that it needs different things now!

It doesn’t feel the same as it was before…

And it’s definitely been changing shape

I am trying to be easy on myself

But part of me keeps thinking that I wish I could still look the same as I did when I was younger…

This struggle to accept my body and nurture it…

It’s been hard to deal with

Because I haven’t always had the best relationship to my body

In fact, I’ve treated it pretty badly in the past

And even though at times I may have been more comfortable with what it looked like,

I knew deep down I wasn’t being healthy

And that kind of treatment wouldn’t be able to last long…

And I definitely know better now!

I deserve better.

My body deserves better!

And I know I only have one in this life

So I’ve got to take care of it

I’m not trying to be someone who gets sick all the time

Or has a really hard time when they are older

Because of the shit I put my body through now…

But a piece of me is still torn between just accepting my body for what it looks and feels like now

And REALLY wanting it to change

All these mixed feelings…

It’s okay to have them.

It's okay to recognize this struggle.

It’s healthy to have this struggle

Especially because we’ve all been programmed

To think that bodies are supposed to look a certain way

Thin, tall, slightly muscular…

When the truth is,


And bodies can be completely healthy and strong in MUCH different shapes…

So I’m ready to release this programming

It’s complete bullshit

All to make women feel insecure about themselves

And I am NOT about that life

I’m here to enjoy this life as best as I can!

And I KNOW that I am able to shift my perspective…

And truly embrace my aging body…

My body has served me well over the years—

Even throughout all the abuse I’ve put it through!!

I choose to accept the changes with gratitude.

I choose to be grateful to have the chance to get older and wiser!

Aging is a part of life — and I can accept that means there will be changes to my physical vessel

So I’m choosing to release the need for “perfection”

First, because the “perfect” body doesn’t exist

And second, because bodies are made to be different!

And I can be okay with my body just as it is.

I choose to love and appreciate it for being my vessel.

It has carried me and been there for me through so much!

I’m ready to accept her for who she is.

I know that acceptance is the path to peace.

So I choose to embrace my body with love!

Letting go of any and all programming that my body “should be different”

Letting go of any and all programming that my body isn’t beautiful

Letting go of this programming on a cellular level

So I can love and except my body just as it is:


And I can start with baby steps to treat it with more care.

I can learn to nourish my body with love.

I can make healthier choices in my diet

Because my body deserves to be well-nourished.

I choose to move my body with care and joy.

Because movement is a form of self-love, too

And I can find ways of moving my body that I enjoy doing!

So I am making this decision now.

I am committed to taking better care of my body.

I appreciate my body and all it’s done for me

So it’s about time I treat it with respect!

And all bodies are lovely and different and beautiful in their own way

And I choose to see that for mine as well!

It is strong and wise and beautiful

So I choose to nourish and move my body with love and gratitude.

To really show how much I care for it!

So I’m releasing the struggle with my aging body

Releasing it on a cellular level

So I can embrace it with love and acceptance.

And live my best life with it!

Because I deserve that

And I’m actually really fucking beautiful


And I choose to see that

Every time I look in the mirror

And so it is!