* start at the karate chop point, then move to the top of the head, then the rest of the points *

Even though I often feel bad when I take time to rest, I deeply and completely love, honor, and accept myself.

Even though I have this nagging feeling when I take time to rest, I deeply and completely love, accept and forgive myself.

(top of the head)

More often than not, I feel guilty when I take time to rest.

It’s such a terrible feeling to have!

I constantly worry that I'm being lazy or unproductive…

like I'm not doing enough.

or I SHOULD be doing MORE.

Sometimes I’m tired without even doing that much!

And my body is asking for me to rest, but it just feels WRONG.

All this guilt about self-care and rest…

I know my body needs rest, but why do I have to feel so bad about it?

All these feelings of guilt…

I know I've been hard on myself… but it still doesn’t go away.

I need to let this go

Because I know that feeling guilty for something that is NECESSARY is just not OKAY!

In fact, it’s even counter-productive!

Guilt is one of the LOWEST vibrations,

And I don’t deserve to be feeling that on a regular basis

I deserve better!!

So what if I could embrace self-care and rest?

Taking time for myself is SO important.

Resting rejuvenates my body and mind…

Forcing myself to work instead of rest will only make me LESS productive…

And I deserve to take care of myself!

My body is such a special thing — and we only get ONE in this life.

So I am ready to accept that self-care is not selfish; it's necessary.

I release the need to feel guilty.

Because that is some OLD PROGRAMMING SHIT

Where we are only worthy if we have done a,b,c &d…

NOPE, not anymore.

I am inherently WORTHY!

I don’t have to listen to a shitty SOCIETAL PROGRAM anymore!

So I am releasing all guilt and any lower vibrational feelings attached to REST.

I choose to embrace self-care and rest,

Because when I need it, REST IS BEST.

and it doesn’t matter whether or not I have done “a lot” or “a little”

because sometimes just the outside energies are draining!!

And I deserve to take care of myself…

I am done not prioritizing my well-being!

I release the guilt and embrace self-acceptance.

I am deeply worthy of rest and self-care.

I choose to feel okay about taking time to rest…

In fact, I choose to feel GREAT about taking time to rest!

Resting is a huge part of a balanced and healthy life…

And I deserve a balanced and healthy life!

So I forgive myself for feeling guilty in the past.

It was just societal programming

But I am moving past that

And deeply knowing that I am worthy of self-care and rest.

I release ALL GUILT associated with it.

Releasing it on a cellular level

So I can feel at peace with taking time for myself.

In body, mind and spirit