* start at the karate chop point, then move to the top of the head, then the rest of the points *
Even though I sometimes I feel that something is wrong with me, I deeply and completely love, accept and forgive myself.
Even though I’ve had these thoughts pop into my head that something is wrong with me, I deeply and completely love, honor and accept myself. Because I am only human, and being human is really complicated sometimes!
(top of the head)
I sometimes fear that something is wrong with me…
I've carried this fear for a long time.
As long as I can remember I’ve just felt different from everyone else!
I’ve always found it hard to relate to the average person…
And sometimes it makes me doubt myself and my worth.
This fear that I'm not good enough,
This fear that I can’t do certain things,
This fear that I’m just not cut out for a “normal life”
It's really been holding me back.
I acknowledge these doubts and fears…
And I've definitely allowed it to affect my self-esteem.
It’s made me doubt a lot of things about my life!
But a piece of me KNOWS that I was created this way for a reason…
A part of me recognizes that I am special,
And that I was made to feel different,
Because I AM different
For reasons that may not be completely clear for me right now,
But I can feel the clarity around this coming…
And part of me REALLY wants to embrace this
That I am different because I am here to change things
Change things for THE BETTER—
So what if I could let the fears and doubts melt away,
And embrace self-acceptance?
For EVERY part of me…
even if I am still getting used to the way my brain and energy works!
I have no problem loving and accepting other people for their “quirks”
So I choose to use this skill for myself as well!
I choose to release all the feelings that “something is wrong with me”
I choose to release all the guilt, fear and anxieties that are attached to this feeling…
Releasing it on a cellular level!
So I can embrace the fact that I am PERFECT JUST THE WAY I AM!
I have unique qualities and strengths—
Things that no one else has!
My soul chose these qualities for a REASON.
And I am worthy of self love and acceptance!
I choose to release the fear of not being good enough.
I choose to release the fear of not being just like everyone else!
Because it is BEAUTIFUL to be different!
And I am perfect, in all my differences
Being different is such an incredible gift —
And I am choosing to embrace that gift,
Because I know it is my SUPER POWER
And I am literally changing the world by embodying my uniqueness
I choose to see and feel that me being ME is the medicine the world NEEDS RIGHT NOW!
So I release the fear of something being wrong with me…
I KNOW that nothing is truly wrong with me!
It was just societal programming
That was telling me because I am different,
That I am broken,
But obviously, society is real fucked up
So I’ve been doing myself a huge disservice by believing those lies!
So I choose to release this programming
I am releasing it at a cellular level—
Because it has done me NO GOOD
And thank the universe things have been shifting
So I can embrace and celebrate my uniqueness!
And truly love and accept myself on every level
And appreciate my gifts!
Because I am deserving of love and happiness—
I choose to believe in my self-worth!
I am unique, and that's what makes me perfect.
I am more than enough EXACTLY as I am.
In body, mind and soul
And so it is!